All good things must come to an end; today's post is the last official Tech Tuesday of the 2020-2021 academic year. Also, at 2:30 this afternoon, Jen P. and I will be hosting our final Live Online...Live! session for this year. It's going to be a great session, with a bunch of your CGCC colleagues sharing Some Good News from this crazy year. Fear not - we'll be back and ready to go in August! April is almost over, and nobody wants one more thing to think about right now - which is exactly why we are rounding out this year's Tech Tuesday offerings with a SUPER-EASY, SUPER-FUN (and free! no account necessary!) tech tool.
Chandler-Gilbert has hundreds of hybrid course offerings scheduled for Fall 2021. The question is - do students know what 'hybrid' means?
Moreover, do we? Want to help your students be prepared for the first day of class but don't want to publish your Canvas course? Use the Course distribution list for your course section in Gmail! All courses get them once they are active in SIS. When you send an email this way any student that is registered for your course at the time will receive your message*! Remember to Blind Carbon Copy your students so that if they reply all the other students will not receive the email. This is the same as checking the box to send an individual message to students in Canvas. *This function remains available for 90 days after the semester ends, but you need to add ".completed" to the address. Example: Current Student Gmail Group: [email protected] Completed Student Gmail Group (students have been graded in SIS): CGC.2021.Spring.BPC.110.21561.completed@cgc.edu In deference to CGCC's first ever "Week of Gratitude," I thought I'd see what kind of technology was out there to help all of us in our collective quest for increased positivity!
Before I talk about some of the ways in which you can encourage student engagement with videos in your Canvas course, let’s talk just a bit about some video recording options as well.
When did online discussion boards get such a bad reputation that they became the target of internet memes?!
Discussion Boards have become an integral component of most online courses. The real question is - how effective are they in terms of supporting student learning? Could they be better?
Awesome people who want to help you do awesome stuff in the classroom! Join the conversation here or in our Facebook Group: CGCC Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Archives
November 2024