Congratulations to Dr. Zoila Tovar-Blank, the winner of the "How Well Do You Know Tech Tuesday?" Challenge! Yes, the rumors are true – I am 3 months away from retirement*, which makes this my very last Tech Tuesday message to all of you. If there is anything that I have done in my 26 years here at CGCC (I began as an adjunct instructor in 1996) that I am most proud of, and hope will continue to have an impact, it is Technology Tuesdays.
*Technically, 3 months and 10 days – but who’s counting…?
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Yes, I know it's Wednesday - but next week, I have a very special end-of-semester Tech Tuesday planned... so I'll be having a few extra posts between now and then as a lead-up to the Big Event!
Are you a Star Wars fan?
Have some fun on May the Fourth with ideas from this Tech & Learning article:
Awesome people who want to help you do awesome stuff in the classroom! Join the conversation here or in our Facebook Group: CGCC Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Archives
October 2023