Collecting Canvas Assessment Data
BEFORE submitting final grades in SIS, complete assessment activities in Canvas
Your course must be Published
The Outcomes you use must be the Chandler-Gilbert 2019-20 Student Learning Outcomes
Within the rubric, one box from each row must be selected for the college to receive the data.
Please make sure to complete your assessment reporting before submitting grades into SIS. Follow the steps below and see the tutorial, Use SpeedGrader to Report Assessment Results
Check out the Canvas Community document: How do I publish my course? for clarification.
While you can create your own outcomes, we will not be able to pull data from them for the college-wide assessment. You are encouraged to build outcomes to show alignment to course competencies and learning objectives, but for the purposes of college-wide General Education Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, you MUST select your indicators from the Account Standards folder.
If you import indicators that you are not using, please contact [email protected] to have them removed. Currently, account level indicators can only be removed by Canvas Administrators.
Please see the tutorial for further clarification: Import Gen Ed SLO Indicators Into Your Canvas Course
Some of the rubrics contain both content-specific criterion and corresponding indicators. You must click one box corresponding to that rating for EACH row. If you input the numerical score in the last "pts" column it does not transfer any data to us. You must select a box per row. When you are done rating each student, click save to transmit the data from the rubric to the Outcomes database.
Please see the tutorial: Assessment Reporting in SpeedGrader Using Rubric