Did you know? Last year, more than 20 faculty across Maricopa earned their Maricopa Millions OER Practitioner certification!
Seven workshops focused on different aspects of Open Education:
Discover a wealth of innovative ideas and open resources…
Learn about successful practices and models for use and sharing... Get your students free, immediate and permanent access to educational materials... Relieve your students of some of the financial burden of education... Experience innovative approaches to content publishing… ...All while earning Maricopa Millions certification as an OER Practitioner! |
Even if you’ve worked with OER before, you’ll find this journey eye-opening and enriching--and your students will benefit, too!
Collect all seven stamps on your OER Passport and earn a credential that you may carry with you to display your successful exploration of the world of Open Education. Whether you’re already experienced in the use of open materials or you’re not even sure what it is we’re talking about, these workshops are for you. Each of the seven workshops has multiple offerings this fall at locations across the valley, so register for those that are most convenient by clicking on the title of each workshop below in the column at the left. If you have any questions, contact Mathew Bloom! To the right is the schedule for each workshop, below are the links to the forms to register for the workshops: What “Open” Means: The History, Philosophy, Practice, and Future of Open Educational Resources Clearing the Weeds with the Proper Whacker: Copyright and Licensing with OER Wiki-Wiki-What?: Finding, Using, and Remixing Openly-Licensed Content “Ground-Up” Isn’t as Bad as It Sounds: Developing and Publishing Your Own OER The “MOER” You Know (or Don’t Yet Know): Leveraging Existing Platforms for OER in Your Course Work that Doesn’t Go into the Trash: Involving Students in “Renewable” Assignments through Open Content “Open” at a College Near You: Best and Worst Practices for Growing OER on Your Own Turf |